New website

What's this? A completely new website? Considering I'm a website designer and this is the first change in 3 years, it's pretty shocking that it's taken so long to do a redesign!

So why has it taken soooo long for me to do a redesign? Well, firstly (and mainly), I've just been stupidly busy designing websites for my lovely clients. I've now completed well over 100 ecommerce websites, a good smattering of brochure type websites and a whole load of graphic design work. Not to mention my involvement with Superia - a new, very flexible ecommerce software system which I've helped design. That in itself has been a year's undertaking in itself.

Juggle all that with a three year old and an 8 month old and that pretty much sums up my 25 hour days. And holidays are for wimps.

Anyway, I hope you like the redesign, I think it's more interesting and it should be easier to navigate.

See you in three years time for the next redesign!


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